How can I create a PFX file?

Have you successfully completed validation and received your certificate from us, but need a .pfx file in order to use the certificate? With our certificate converter tool, you have the option of converting the certificate you have received into the desired format quickly, easily and securely.

This is how you proceed:

Have certificates ready

In the first step, make sure that you have all the necessary certificates. The following certificates are required:

  • Private key (private key)
  • Certificate file (.crt file)
  • Root and intermediate certificates (.ca file)
Go to the certificate converter

Now go to our website and call up our certificate converter.

Select source and target format

You must now specify the source and target format so that the converter can create the desired certificate format. You usually receive our certificates in PEM format. For a .pfx file, select "PFX/PKCS#12" for the target format.

Upload files

In the penultimate step, you must upload the files that you have previously prepared. Click on "Browse" in the respective line and select the appropriate certificate file.

  • Certificate file = .crt file
  • Private key = .key file (PrivateKey)
  • Additional certificate for certificate chains #1 (optional) = .ca file
  • Additional certificate for certificate chains #2 (optional) = [leave blank]
  • PFX password = here you can define a password for the .pfx file

As the .pfx file also contains the private key, you should definitely set a password to prevent misuse.

Start converting

Click on "Submit" to start the converting process. As soon as the process is complete, a download of the converted file will start automatically.

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