A short introduction to the world of SSL certificates (Secure Sockets Layer)

Once you run a website or mail server for your business, using an SSL certificate is paramount in protecting sensitive information or Internet transactions.

From personal information to financial information, SSL certificates ensure that data transmitted between a user's browser and a web server remains encrypted and secure.

This is how SSL works

At the heart of an SSL certificate are strong encryption algorithms that protect data from being intercepted by unauthorized parties.

When a user connects to a website secured with SSL, a process called SSL handshake occurs.

During this handshake, the user's web server and browser exchange encryption keys, establishing a secure connection.

Types of SSL certificates

There are different types of SSL certificates available, each tailored to specific security requirements and usage scenarios.

Generally, SSL certificates are divided into 2 broad categories:

Domain Validated (DV) SSL certificates

These are basic certificates that verify ownership of a domain. The certificate is validated purely via an administrative address of the domain to be protected.

Organization Validated (OV) SSL certificates

These certificates require additional validation levels because, in addition to the ownership of the domain, the identity of the organization is also validated.

To validate an OV certificate, evidence of the company's existence is required, for example an extract from the commercial register. In a further step, telephone validation takes place.

The background to these validation steps is that the name and address of the company are listed in the SSL certificate.

Further versions of SSL certificates

Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates

A special form of organization-validated SSL certificates are EV certificates.

Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates provide the highest level of trust by displaying the company name directly in a special green address bar.

WildCard and multi-domain certificates

Wildcard SSL certificates cover multiple subdomains, while multi-domain SSL certificates secure multiple domains with one certificate.

This special form of SSL certificates can be issued both domain and organization validated.

Advantages of SSL certificates

  • Using an SSL certificate offers numerous advantages that go beyond pure encryption.
  • It ensures data integrity and ensures that information remains intact during transmission.
  • SSL also provides authentication and verifies the identity of the website owner. This gives the site visitor more confidence in entering their data because the company has been checked accordingly.
  • Since 2018, the search engine Google has viewed pages without SSL encryption as not secure and sees it as a negative ranking signal.

How to obtain an SSL certificate

  1. To get an SSL certificate, take a close look at your website's requirements and choose the right certificate type.
  2. Now collect the information and any necessary documents necessary for the desired type so that you have them to hand for validation. This will help you speed up the validation of your certificate.
  3. In the next step, you create the CSR, the Certificate Signing Request, on your web server or, if the server allows it, via an external CSR generator.
  4. This generates 2 files, the CSR and private key. The private key is the counterpart that you will later need to set up the certificate you received on your server. Therefore, always keep this key safe!
  5. With the CSR you can now start ordering the certificate and thus the validation.
  6. Depending on which certificate you choose, the necessary validation steps must be carried out.
  7. After validation is complete, the certificate will be delivered to you and can be installed on the web server.

Renewal of SSL certificates

SSL certificates currently have a maximum validity period of 12 months and it is important to renew them well before they expire to ensure uninterrupted security.

Some certification authorities offer an automatic renewal service that initiates the steps to renew your certificate.

Please note that the validation steps must be repeated every time you renew.

Different areas of application for SSL certificates

In e-commerce

E-commerce websites process sensitive customer information, such as credit card details.

SSL certificates protect these transactions and help companies comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

For website SEO

Search engines like Google prefer secure websites and rank them higher in search results.

Implementing an SSL certificate therefore has a positive impact on SEO efforts as it is a well-known ranking signal.

More trust from website visitors

SSL not only protects data but also creates trust among website visitors. Modern browsers display padlock icons and “HTTPS” in the address bar for secure websites to reassure users that their information is secure.

In mobile apps

Mobile apps transmit data over the Internet, SSL ensures that this data remains confidential and protected from potential eavesdropping.

In email security

SSL can also be used on the mail server instead of on the web server and used to secure email communication. This encrypts confidential information sent between clients and email servers.

SSL and IoT security

The Internet of Things (IoT) is based on connected devices, SSL ensures the secure exchange of data between these devices, protecting user privacy.

Frequently asked questions about SSL certificates

Why do I need an SSL certificate for my website?

An SSL certificate encrypts data transmitted between your website and users to ensure their privacy and protect sensitive information.

Can I get an SSL certificate for free?

Yes, some certificate authorities offer free SSL certificates, such as Let's Encrypt. However, in most cases these certificates are not sufficient to meet the necessary requirements and guarantee levels.

How long does it take to get an SSL certificate?

The time to obtain an SSL certificate varies depending on the certificate type and validation process. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Therefore, especially for certificates with organizational validation, have all the necessary data ready in advance to enable quick validation.

What happens if my SSL certificate expires?

If your SSL certificate expires, your website will no longer have a secure connection and users will receive a security warning when visiting your website.

Can SSL certificates be used for multiple domains?

Yes, multi-domain SSL certificates can protect multiple domains or subdomains with a single certificate, making them attractive for businesses with multiple websites.


Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates are essential tools in the modern digital landscape, protecting data across a wide range of online interactions.

Whether it's securing e-commerce transactions, improving website SEO, or protecting mobile app communications, SSL plays a crucial role in maintaining online security and building trust with users .

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